
Isn't it CUTE!


However, this penguin is so much cooler than the above penguin because this penguin is a racing penguin, and his number is 63! 


It is a Kea, which is a bird from New Zealand that enjoys eating the plastic lining around car windows.


The following is an artcle I wrote for my school newspaper.


Why is it that all of the most interesting bits of information out there aren’t the things that you’re taught in school?  We don’t want to know things that, though helpful for, ya know, getting a job after high school and all that, aren’t that interesting.  We want to know strange random facts and useless trivia that will astound our friends and impress our peers.  Imagine a school system where that was what we learned!  How wonderful that would be!

In History class, you would learn that Ulysses S. Grant was never a president of the United States.  His name was actually Hiram Ulysses Grant, but he went by Ulysses.  The congressman who appointed him to the military academy he attended thought his middle name was Simpson, his mother’s maiden name, and Grant never corrected the mistake, afraid that his classmates would make fun of his real initials, H.U.G.

In Biology, students would learn that a duck’s quack doesn’t echo.  They won’t learn why it doesn’t echo, because even scientists don’t know.  They would also learn that one in every 5000 north Atlantic lobsters are born a bright shade of blue and that every year, about 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced.  (So, look down.  This time next year, most of the body you have now will be gone!)

In economics, they would learn that the most money that has been paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 million and that every day, more money is printed for Monopoly than for the U.S. Treasury.

Students studying architecture would hear the story of the Main Library at Indiana University, which sinks over an inch every year because when it was originally designed and built, the engineers failed to calculate the weight of the books that would occupy the building.

An entirely new class would have to be created to allow students to learn important information like the facts that right-handed people live an average of nine years longer than left-handed people, that there are more plastic lawn flamingos in the US than real flamingos (really, do people put plastic flamingos in their yard?  I don’t understand!), and that Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn’t wear pants.  Donald duck would also be banned from our school, I’m afraid, because that’s a violation of dress code.


This is a funny little thingiemabob right here... yes it is...


Do not read the following if you are in quiet place, beacause you may burst into hysterical laughter, because it is STINKIN' HILARIOUS!

This is funny, too.


Wow.  Just.  Wow.