The Cookie Giver can give cookies... and take them away.

So, who is the brilliant mastermind behind this website and its awesomeness? you ask.

I'm not telling.

Terribly sorry, but I don't fancy to some creepy stalker (or even a nice person, for that matter) showing up at my doorstep with a gun pointed in my direction and a plan to kill me (even if it's just because they can't be content with having someone as great as myself making them look bad just by exsisting).  So, I figured that if I just avoided all topics of conversation that involve telling you the location of my doorstep, I ought to be alright. 

I will tell you a few things about meself, however.  Just not the location of my doorstep (or any other part of my house) and not who I am.  I will simply list a few things that are interesting, or at least not boring, but will not allow you to find out who I am.

I wear a watch.

I have hair on my arms.

I only have one ear on the left side of my head.

I have amazingly flexible toes, able to pick up objects ranging from a small bag to a single sheet of paper.

I have a gift for fighting through crowds quickly and efficiantly.

I am a supurb knot-untier.

I frequently declare that things that are not words are words.  Like "untier."  That is now a word meaning someone who unties things, often knots.

I am a perfectionist and perhaps even slightly OCD.  This gives me an advantage in most school situations, excluding groupwork.

I ride a llama to school every day.

I am not the kind of person to lie to your face, but I may lie to you on this website.

I transform into a mongoose when the moon is full.